Email, message or DM me with questions or to book.
£40 for every 5 listings
THIS IS FOR YOU IF…you have a presence on Etsy, SaatchiArt, Singulart (or similar e-commerce site), feel overwhelmed with the tediousness of the listing process or are too busy and would simply prefer to outsource.
I’ll set up a template which you can use to quickly and easily input any necessary information for the listings that I wouldn’t find elsewhere (sizes of artwork, for example) and, after gathering your images, I’ll set to work on creating new listings for you within the platform. I can save them as drafts if you’d like to go in and review them or make them live gradually, or I can publish them straight away.
- An e-commerce shop full of shiny new listings, ready to sell
- More time to spend creating which, no doubt, is what you’d rather be doing
- The backlog of completed work that you have sitting unseen on your laptop will finally be set up to sell

Email, message or DM me with questions or to book.